RMB + WASD - navigate the camera, pan up/down/left/right
F - frame on the selected object
LMB - rotate view
Alt + LMB - rotates view around the current view point
Alt + LMB after F - rotates about the object once its framed
Alt + RMB - dolly camera
RMB + WASD - Game style movement
LMB/RMB - Pan and rotate from current viewpoint
Scroll wheel - zoom in and out
CTRL + ` - toggles between world space and object/local space for transforms and rotation
Selection and Viewing:
CTRL + LMB Click - select multiple objects in the outliner
Q - selection key
Alt + LMB drag - duplicate selection and move
Double click on object in the Outliner - selects, frames on the object and locates it in the scene
Alt + G - Perspective view
Alt + H - Front view
Alt + K - Side view
Alt + J - Top view
CTRL + 0-9 - Book mark camera view. Press the corresponding number to jump to that view
Level Editing:
CTRL + Space - Opens the drawer
Shift + 1-8 - switch between editing modes, ie. Selection, Landscape
H - Hide selected
CTRL + H - Unhide all hidden objects
F11 - Immersive
G - Game view
CTRL + K - search in blue print
End, or fn + End - Snap to floor, depending on your keyboard
Alt + End - Snap pivot to floor
CTRL + End - Snap origin to grid
Shift + End - Snap bounds to floor
ESC - clear selection
~ - Open command console
Viewport Shortcuts:
F - focus on selection
Alt + 2 - Wireframe view
Alt + 3 - Unlit view
Alt + 4 - Lit view
Grid size decrease - [
Grid size increase - ]
Rotation size decrease - Shift + [
Rotation size increase - Shift + ]
Show mouse cursor in play mode - Shift + F1
Shift + 1 - Select/Placement
Shift + 2 - Landscape painting mode
Shift + 3 - Foliage, paint foliage placement interactively using source assets
Shift + 4 - Mesh paint
Shift + 5 - Modelling toolset
Shift + 6 - Fracture
Shift + 7 - Brush editing, for editing box brushes, etc.
Shift + 8 - Animation toolset
CTRL + Shift + W - opens the widget reflector, allowing you to globally change the application scale including icons and font